STEFAN VLADUTESCU: Processes rolled on Human Communication System. Din cartile Profesorilor. (trad. de Mirela Teodorescu)

Functional systems performs specific processes. Generally, in any system takes place processes. The system consists of interconnected ontological elements that rolls on least an activity, thus carrying out a certain function. Systemic functions performing constitutes the process. The form under which exists the system is that one of process/processes. We should say that „the system” without process is only a non-productive set of elements; in fact, there isn’t system without processes rolling on. Concrete and valid existence mode of the system is represented by processional. If the system rolls on processes, it will subsist. In the moment when inside of a functional system stops any process, the system as such, doesn’t exist as system. The system implodes in elements.The elements belongs to system. They exists non-modular before to be interconnected.From their inter-relating, unitary and functionally results the system. Continuă să citești