Iuliana Clima-Caraghin: Simona Gramatovici sau fascinaţia misterului erotic

Simona Gramatovici sau fascinaţia misterului erotic
de Iuliana Clima-Caraghin
Privim poezia Simonei Gramatovici prin Spectru redus la amor – titlul volumului de
versuri al autoarei – şi descoperim o poezie care se naşte din adânc, din dor şi tânguire, din lumină şi eternitate, din renaştere şi devenire continuă.

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Ştefan Vlăduţescu : The Magic of Communication, By Mirela Teodorescu

Ştefan Vlăduţescu : The Magic of Communication


 By Mirela Teodorescu



            Ştefan Vlăduţescu is an exegete in communication with several books published in this area, being fascinated by the diversity of the aspects offered by this segment of science, that are interrelated by notions of sociology, psychology, philosophy, literature, journalism, public relations, computer science, mathematics controlling them skillfully in the book „Concepts and Communication Notions and Message Theory” (Craiova, Sitech, 2009).

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