Din cărțile profesorilor. The Noise, de Ștefan Vlăduțescu (trad. Mirela Teodorescu)

B. Physiological noise refers to biological- Physiological deficiencies of communicational agents that affects emitting and/or signification of carrier physical  signal of significations. The voice issues of emitter or hearing issues of receiver generates physiological noise. Also, are inducing such a noise hearing loss, poor eyesight, hearing or visual impairments, blindness, hard of hearing, memory loss, pronouncing deficiency etc. A student that has problems with sight and is not wearing glasses, he will not see well what is written on the table, so, he will be under the influence of a physiological noise. Similarly would be the situation if he not wore  appropriate lens.

C. The psychological noise is an internal irradiation that distort correct perception of message significations, understanding of communicator identity and intentions, communication situation comprehension. It consist of stereotypes (racial, cultural, social etc.), prejudices, biases, preconception (ideas or preconception assumptions), thinking inertia or “presentiments” in relation with the message of a co-communicator or even with co-communicator himself. The psychological noise influences communication correctitude  by meanings assignation marked by mental and affective biases.        Its effect is, mainly, a hermeneutic one: it deforms  the communication interpretation. Communication being, as any other being generally, can’t avoid prejudices, can’t avoid psychological noise. It can attenuate it, but it can’t suspend it. In this situation, the most important hermeneutic of  XX th century, Hans-Georg Gadamer postulates: „That is why the prejudices of the individual, far more than his judgements, constitute the historical reality of his being” (Gadamer H.-G., 2004, p. 278); “Not both our judgement, and our prejudices constitutes our being” (Gadamer H.-G., 2001, p. 520). This type of noise has a strange property: what we don’t know it is not affecting us negative, but what we know does it; this was accentuated by R. Fitzhenry and mentioned argumentative Will Rogers: „It isn’t what we don’t know that gives us trouble, it’s what we know that ain’t so” (Fitzhenry R., 1993, p. 243).

D. Semantic noise is that  noise that affects code functioning. In fact, this noise prepossesses the code to an abnormal semantic. It determines the interpret of message meanings to perform mined and unsuitable responsibilities. The semantic noise is caused by using in unsuitable contexts: of some technical or specialised languages, a hiper-neologistic vocabulary, slang, or a deficient grammar. This makes as the receiver agent to not understand significations, words, concrete acceptances or to not have an assembly comprehension of communication or to be committed to give an unsuitable message interpretation, message as totality.


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