Control regulating function of Feedforward. The systems have two ways of regulating systems: feedback and feedforward. Feedback is a mechanism for control and monitor of retrospectively type and feedforward an anticipatory type, proactive. Lars Skyttne considers that „Feedforward is anticipatory control action, intended to produce a predicted, desired state in the future” (Skyttner L., 2005, p 81). Feedforward control acts in system and relates to on going cases. As Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich show, it involves „monitoring inputs with a view to detecting future deviations of results” (Kontz H., Weihrich H., 2000, p 397).
As feedback, the feedforward a) is a tool for monitoring and control, and b) is a non-material element, that is intangible.
The object of feedforward is double: a) anticipation of some evolutions b) prevention of some problems, risks and vulnerabilities by settlement of premises, signs, signals, before effects occur and so they may not appear. It consists in monitoring the process to ensure achieving set target to eliminate possible problems that could affect the functions and operation of the system (before they occur), prevention of risks and vulnerabilities appearance that affect goal achievement.
Feedforward is a fundamental strategy to predict the dynamics of the system and intervene as required evolutions to be supported and undesired evolutions are inhibited. Through this mechanism interferes on elements of the system variables so that the system functions are designed. Feedforward type evaluation is to assess the possible consequences and their appearance prevention through anticipative measures. Therefore, it is noted that „The ability to sense impending problems and to take prior corrective action” (T. Lucey, 2005, p 195).
10.4.8. The operations of feedforward. Feedforward involves four operations. The first is an analysis of the system and consist in information collecting about the functions, operation, systemic projects and projections concerning planning, system objectives and strategies to achieve them. It is an analysis of system structure, functioning system and production system. The second operation is a system environment analysis to record of time impact of external evolutions on the structure and functioning of the system. The third operation consists, on the one hand, integrated analysis of comparative possibility that the internal parameters of the system and in balance with the environment, the system to achieve its objectives. On the other hand, consists in making a decision in the optimization of system parameters adjustment, reform, restructure so that future goals are achieved. Within this operation is created an alternative future for which the decision is taken. The fourth task is the implementation of the decision, so that goals are achieved by the design. The fourth task is the implementation of the decision, so that goals are achieved by the designed level.