Functional systems performs specific processes. Generally, in any system takes place processes. The system consists of interconnected ontological elements that rolls on least an activity, thus carrying out a certain function. Systemic functions performing constitutes the process. The form under which exists the system is that one of process/processes. We should say that „the system” without process is only a non-productive set of elements; in fact, there isn’t system without processes rolling on. Concrete and valid existence mode of the system is represented by processional. If the system rolls on processes, it will subsist. In the moment when inside of a functional system stops any process, the system as such, doesn’t exist as system. The system implodes in elements.The elements belongs to system. They exists non-modular before to be interconnected.From their inter-relating, unitary and functionally results the system.
Elements lives in the system only through processes to which they take part. Element entering in system processes makes that the element to receive modular character. Modularity is elements quality to have an active own profile and recognizable either structural or functional-processional. An element is modular when is accredited as element in a structure and when exerts certain functions in a process. An element has a passive potential of structure, of reactions, of functions. Once that are activated availabilities from passive potential, the element becomes active and receives a separable profile, individual, recognizable, that is modular. The elements that not still enter in any process they get out from system. If an element is not still appealed in any process and so it doesn’t carry out any function, in that moment it will get out from the system trajectory. An idle element in system process is intangible for the system. It has no role in process, it has no place in system. Through translation, the role in process is role in system. Hence, in the matter of elements, they are first, generic, elements of the system and, then, practically, they are elements of the process. The elements belong to the system only because they are elements of the process.
In the matter of ontological elements phenomenology , the level of analysis can be placed either at system level, or at process level. There are two ontological perspectives on elements: a vision that radiographs elements in communicational system and a vision that registers elements in process of message production. We are pronouncing for elements vision in system. In our vision, elements belong to system, because they can be involved in more processes. The elements are retrieved also in particular processes. In the matter of system, basically elements are retrieved certainly in basically systemic process. Basically communicational elements of the communication system are retrieved always in communication process.