THE WALL – PINK FLOYD: Cronică de film, de Mirela Teodorescu

THE WALL – PINK FLOYD: Cronică de film

de Mirela Teodorescu

Armonioasă sinteză cinematografică de imagine şi sunet. Un film cult, bazat pe albumul din 1979 „The Wall” („Zidul”) al formaţiei Pink Floyd, pelicula include secvenţe animate realizate de caricaturistul britanic Gerald Scarfe. S-a spus adesea că nu este un film despre care să se vorbească, ci un film care trebuie simţit şi admirat.

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Ştefan Vlăduţescu: An essay about information by Mirela Teodorescu


In the last decades, more scientists were concerned about communication, what, how, whom, why are we communicating. Which are the differences between communication, information, message, which are their common points? It is necessary to interpret/decode messages to get information? Have the codes a role in information transmitting/receiving? More of answers at these questions we can find in Ştefan Vlăduţescu’s book “Information from theory towards science” (Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, Bucureşti, 2002). S. Vladutescu asserts: “Information same as mother tongue, is learnt theoretically after already we know it. To assimilate the mother tongue grammar, anybody can’t contest, suppose to dispose already of “grammar” language, the respective language already we speak it. The grammar thus appears as a theory of speaking. For information all of these are available, as a matter of fact for any current activity. First of all, we have some ideas about how it has to be done a thing without a too clearly theoretical conscious and only later is ascertained theory like in a teaching  “learning by doing” (p. 21).

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